Accelerating health equity with innovations for a world where individuals and communities can thrive

Who We Are

GaneshAID is a non-profit public health consulting firm dedicated to saving more lives in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.

Founded in 2013, GaneshAID is a women-led and managed firm comprising a team of experts in Asia, Africa, and Europe with extended international experience in public health.

Explore our story here!

GaneshAID logo - round

“Need-based innovation is a catalyst to build resilient health and immunisation systems. COVID-19 has dramatically demonstrated the urgent need for new methods and models to save lives. The time has come for health systems, service delivery, and technology transformation.”

Dorothy Leab, GaneshAID CEO

What We Do

GaneshAID provides technical assistance and guidance for innovative solutions that combine novelties from various fields – public health, psychology, technology, and business – to address public health challenges. Our company operates as a think-tank to improve the health status and well-being of people in developing countries.

By combining an innovative mindset with internationally recognised expertise, we strengthen partner capability in multi-sectoral design and innovation. Our work is specialised in 05 centres of expertise:

GaneshAID Intelligence - cover image
GaneshAID Academy - cover image
Knowledge Lab for Innovation Community (KLIC) thumbnail image

The Meaning of GaneshAID

The name “GaneshAID” draws inspiration from the Hindu deity Ganesha and the mantras of success associated with the God’s magnificent form. The “Ganesha” in our name “GaneshAID” represents all leadership traits from God Ganesha that every GaneshAID team member cultivates:

  • Holistic Thoughts filled with Wisdom and Knowledge
  • Focused Vision to concentrate on completing tasks
  • Active Listening to all ideas from others
  • Alertness and Carefulness to come up with any mitigation plan if needed
  • Knowledge Absorbance and Adjustment to learn quickly while moving forward
  • The sacrifice of selfish motives to overcome emotions and act wisely

Aiming to have these essential leadership traits, GaneshAID Team is dedicated to using them in combination with our technical expertise to help people in need and save lives around the world. This mission explains the “AID” in our name “GaneshAID.”

Our People

From our in-house experts to our international consultants, we are highly accomplished specialists, united around a mission to improve health and save lives across the world.

Let’s meet our team!

Our Partner

PIPDeploy tabletop game developed by GaneshAID at the Pandemic vaccine deployment workshop by WHO Regional Office for Europe (Tajikistan, 2019)
PIPDeploy tabletop game developed by GaneshAID at the Pandemic vaccine deployment workshop by WHO Regional Office for Europe (Tajikistan, 2019)

Since the establishment of GaneshAID, we believe that by partnering with others, we can make a greater impact in the hope that every child will experience the fullness of life.

With that philosophy in mind, we have become the trusted partner of governments, development partners, academia, and the private sector over the years.

Let’s check our collaborations!

Our Innovations Are Yours!